The Women Behind The Dialogue Company

As you know March is Women’s History Month and this is a great opportunity to lift and amplify the dynamic women who have been so influential in shaping my work and The Dialogue Company (TDC). 

Many of you may have heard that I was inspired to focus on dialogue through my mother, Mrs. Geraldine Wiley Campt. One day, when I saw her in tears after a disagreement with my dad, she mentioned to me that she was hurt because of how my dad spoke to her. That moment gave me an epiphany that so many of us lack the ability to have conversations that heal instead of hurt. My mom inspired my work to create compassion-based dialogue strategies that connect rather than divide. And for the rest of her life, she continued to champion and encourage me as I continued to build on the idea that effective dialogue could change the world.


As I look back on nearly 30 years of speaking and training, I have been honored and humbled by the thousands of allies who have been open and accepting of my model for dialogue. There were times when tasks and deliveries seemed overwhelming yet, again, there were women right there offering their support, encouragement, and amazing talent to my anti-racism work. 


Allison Mahaley 

For those who have taken one of our anti-racism courses, you may already know Allison. Our partnership is cemented in her vast knowledge of social justice and anti-racism work. Allison is an instructor, facilitator, and educational designer with a passion and commitment to social justice work. She is also a community organizer committed to dismantling racism and other systems of oppression through open dialogue and peace-building measures. Allison has designed workshops and several learning experiences for both our non-profit and corporate clients. Most recently, she has helped develop and manage the operations of TDC. There is a tremendous amount of work that often goes unseen, and Allison is usually the one pushing it forward. 


Elena Anderson-de Lay

Elena joined us in September 2020 to help me cultivate my brand as a speaker and thought leader while creating a marketing plan for TDC and my brand as The Dialogue Guy. She is also a business strategist and facilitator with expertise in global workforce and leadership development. As a certified HR professional, Elena has worked with Allison to connect with our allies in the corporate space. We are also excited that she will begin leading workshops on topics related to leadership cultivation, and Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategy.


Ilana McNamara

Ilana is our busy collegiate who supports our work despite being a double major in Viola and Mathematics at Oberlin College. She works behind the scenes on our technical glitches and helps to distribute our newsletters—like this one! Ilana is approaching her first full year with TDC and I am very grateful for her contributions to our White Ally Toolkit initiative and to our social media engagement. 

I would be remiss not to mention my great friend Rev. Ngozi Robinson who has stepped in and coordinated so many moving parts from curriculum development, to managing technology and other operational needs.

I have a ton of appreciation for Angela Kremer who has supported TDC directly for several months and also facilitated engagements throughout Portland, OR.  

The list goes on. Therefore, it is difficult for me to think about our progress with our allyship work without thinking of the expertise and fervor of the women that have and continue to push this work forward. 


Dr. David Wiley Campt

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